Find Care for Your Asthma

Asthma can be a tough condition to navigate. If you or a loved one are suffering from moderate-to-severe
asthma that isn't well controlled, partnering with a specialist might be the appropriate next step.

Why Partner with an
Asthma Specialist?

Specialists like Pulmonologists and Allergists are specially trained in chronic conditions related to the lungs and underlying inflammation

Specialists can work with you to help identify what may be triggering your symptoms

Working with a specialist can help create a personalized treatment plan to help manage your asthma symptoms

Find A Nearby Specialist Who Treats Asthma

Use this HealthgradesTM tool to easily find nearby specialists with experience in treating children, teens, and adults with uncontrolled moderate-to-severe eosinophilic or oral steroid dependent asthma.

Ready to HAVE A productive

Use our doctor discussion guide to have a successful conversation with your doctor about:

  • Asthma symptoms
  • Symptom frequency and severity
  • Treatment goals
  • How DUPIXENT works to treat asthma symptoms